Google Calendar Link
Please join our google calendar. This will have every date and time for all rehearsals, optional dates, Dress rehearsals and performances
WhatsApp Link
Please join our google calendar. This will have every date and time for all rehearsals, optional dates, Dress rehearsals and performances
Aristocats Kids Performance Tracks
Please start practing the music with these tracks! These will be the tracks that we use for the show.
Aristocats kids Guide Vocal tracks
Important Links
Extra adults in rehearsals are needed for insurance purposes. We need to have at least 2 adults in a room at all times with a student, and we are asking for parents to come and sit in on a rehearsal and if needed come to a different room to allow our directors to work with small groups of students.
We have an opportunity for our students to preform a song from Aristocats during the church service on February 23rd. We would ask for students to arrive at 9am, and the performance would be around 10:30am. You would be welcome to stay through the service or leave once they are done. This is a fantastic way to promote the show, as well as have an extra chance to be on stage before opening night. Please rsvp on the form below
BASE LAYER Information
Base layers at Impact theater are a way for us to allow kids to get into costume and make costume changes backstage. We ask that you provide your student with a top, bottom and socks from the lists below. If you have any questions about the base layers, please reach out in the WhatsApp Group. Keep in mind that these will be worn under their costume, so lighter weight items will be best.
Girls Base Layers A nude color camisole and nude colored bike shorts and no show footie socks
Here are some examples:
- Womens Size Camisole- Wear the Nude Color
- Girls Size Camisole- Wear the Nude Color
- Girls Size bike/cartwheel shorts- NUDE
- Girls Size bike/cartwheel shorts- NUDE
- Womens Size bike/cartwheel shorts- NUDE
- no show footies - black or Nude
Boys Base Layers NUDE/WHITE t
Here are some examples:
- Mens Size Nude Tank- NUDE
- Boys Size White Tank- WHITE
- Boys black shorts- BLACK
- Mens black shorts- BLACK
- Mens black shorts- BLACK
- no show footies - black or Nude
Hair and Makeup

Rehearsal Schedule